Victor Guimarães is a film critic, researcher, curator and professor.
Selva Trágica, Roberto Farias e algumas cisões no cinema brasileiro
A indicação após um breve prólogo nos faz adentrar uma terra estrangeira, bem distante da urbanidade a que Roberto Farias nos acostumara em seus filmes mais celebrados, de Cidade Ameaçada (1960) a Assalto ao Trem Pagador (1962).
/ INTERVIEWS A/V/ ARTICLESDissonant Militancy: Interview with Cláudio Kahns about Santo e Jesus, Metalúrgicos (1985)
Além da repressão, qualquer tentativa de greve era imediatamente denunciada ao DOPS (Departamento de Ordem Política e Social), instrumento da ditadura para calar pela força qualquer tentativa de alegada "subversão".
/ INTERVIEWS/ ARTICLESIn 1974, Sérgio Ricardo’s A Noite do Espantalho, shot entirely in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, was shown at the New York Film Festival. It was not until forty five years later, when Kleber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles’s Bacurau came to the New York Film Festival in 2019, that Ricardo returned to New York City, this time through song.
/ INTERVIEWSThis past September, the staff of Limite had the opportunity to conduct an interview with the Workers of the Cinemateca Brasileira (Trabalhadores da Cinemateca Brasileira) , the collective representing the archivists and staff of Brazil’s largest film archive, who have been fighting for nearly an entire year for the survival of this vital institution.
/ INTERVIEWSThe following interview took place with archivist Hernani Heffner on July 4th, 2020. Heffner has been working at Rio de Janeiro’s historic Cinemateca do MAM since 1996 and is one of Brazil’s most important film archivists.