Erika Amaral holds a Master's degree in Cinema from the School of Communications and Arts at the University of São Paulo with the dissertation Representations of country women in Brazilian cinema: Amélia (2000), by Ana Carolina, and Uma vida em segredo (2001), by Suzana Amaral. She has published articles in journals such as Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento and Imagofagia: Revista Virtual de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios de Cine y Audiovisual.
Pra dentro mulher, Geni Prado no cinema de Mazzaropi
It should come as no surprise that in Brazil, as in most historically so-called “underdeveloped” countries, the question of cultural memory and access to history as dictated by the archive is far more precarious than one approaching the subject from the relative wealth of the United States or Europe.