Joyce Pais
Colaboradora Cinelimite

Joyce Pais is a journalist, post-graduate in Digital Media, and creator of the Cinemascope portal and the Clube das Diretoras. She worked for the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, is a member of ABRACCINE (Brazilian Association of Film Critics) and Coletivo Elviras - Mulheres Críticas de Cinema. She has taught at the International Film Academy (AIC), Casa Guilherme de Almeida, Casas das Rosas, and the Cinema Institute (INC). Invited by Canal Brasil, she was part of the jury in festivals around the country such as CineramaBC, Mix Brasil, É Tudo Verdade, and Kinoforum. Curator of the short film competition at the 52nd Brasília Film Festival. Director and screenwriter of the documentary in post-production, Iracunda, that discusses Brazilian cinema through the eyes of women who are part of it.

Trabalhos Realizados

July 6, 2022

Pode um galã sonhar?

Os anos 1930 chegaram embalados pelo entusiasmo com o cinema sonoro. A novidade técnica alteraria, rapidamente, a paisagem da produção cinematográfica no Brasil.