Lucas Reis is a master's student at the Graduate Program in Cinema and Audiovisual at Universidade Federal Fluminense (PPGCINE/UFF) and works as a tutor for the Cinema - Licenciatura course at the same institution. He has already presented research and published academic articles about Brazilian cinema, including in the magazine Aniki (Portugal). He is a professor of Brazilian Cinema History and of cinematographic forms and styles in extension courses at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and a film critic for the sites CinePlayers and Calvero. He also writes about TV series at the site Serie Maniacos and about comics at the site Raio Laser.
Quelé Do Pajeú: Violence as a Formative Principle
Anselmo Duarte é uma figura singular no cinema brasileiro. Entre o final da década de 1940 e o início da década de 1950, alçou a fama como ator da Atlântida Cinematográfica e da Companhia Cinematográfica Vera Cruz.