Luíza Alvim
Colaboradora Cinelinite

PhD in Communication and Culture (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Brazil) and in Music (Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro, UNIRIO, Brazil). During the first PhD, one-year doctoral stage at University Paris 3, France, under supervision of Michel Chion. M.A. in Literature (Fluminense Federal University, UFF, Brazil) and B.A. in Communication – Cinema and Journalism (UFF, Brazil). Luíza Alvim has taught in the Department of Methodology in Communication Faculty at UFRJ and she has also taught Cinema History in the Department of Cinema and Audiovisual at UFF. She is now Postdoctoral Fellow in the Music Department at UFRJ. Since her first PhD, she has been researching music and sound in cinema and she has many publications in the field, such as the book “A música no cinema de Robert Bresson” (“Music in the cinema of Robert Bresson”). In her current project she researches the use of preexisting music in Brazilian Cinema Novo.

Trabalhos Realizados

November 5, 2020

Menino da calça branca: Um Lirismo Social e Bossa Nova

O primeiro filme de Sérgio Ricardo, o curta-metragem Menino da calça branca (1962),1 foi realizado quando o grupo do Cinema Novo brasileiro ainda tomava suas rédeas.