Marcell Carrasco
Colaborador Cinelinite

Marcell Carrasco holds a Master’s degree in Social Communication from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and he is pursuing a post-graduate lato sensu in the Specialization Course of Cultural Journalism at Rio de Janeiro State University. Marcell was one of the articulators of the cultural collective Norte Comum and is a fixed collaborator of the editorial project Ginecosofía Brasil. He also participated and organized several congresses and seminars in the field of ​​communications throughout his academic career. He is a researcher in the field of contemporary Brazilian cinema and black cinema.

Trabalhos Realizados

August 24, 2020

Escavation an recollections around Zózimo Bulbul´s abolition

‍1988 marked the 100th anniversary of the Lei Áurea in Brazil, the legislation that officially emancipated slaves throughout the country.